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OCTOBER 2016 - March 2017

TRAVEL TO DEATH VALLEY, 49er ENCAMPMENT, and exploring the Southwest

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TRAVELOGUE # 14 - Yosemite, heading North and Home

Friday February 24 - Sunday March 5, 2017

Published May 13, 2017

We left Millerton Lake Reservoir on Route 41 and headed north toward Yosemite. Rt. 41 was closed into the south entrance to Yosemite due to heavy snow, so we traveled north on 49 and then east on 140 into the park. By the time we got to the campground (only one was open) in Half Dome Village (formerly Curry Village) it was 5pm and getting dark. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground and it was very cold at night. In the morning, we got to see Half Dome and North Dome just walking around the campground! Wonderful views!

In late February every year there is a light phenomenon when the setting sun lights up Horsetail Falls on the side of El Capitan and it looks like fire falling! Turns out a Toyota friend Mike McGreevy whom I had met in Quartzsite stopped by and told me about it - and showed me pictures he'd taken the previous night. I was inspired so I drove around Yosemite Valley several times to locate the falls and decide where I wanted to view it from. It was a great way to see the whole valley - and of course we took lots of walks, including up to Yosemite Falls. I ended up at the El Capitan picnic area - along with a whole bunch of other people. It was spectacular! Mike viewed it from across the valley and his photos were even more stunning, so I included a few of them here. The next morning, we headed out of Yosemite, but first stopped and walked up to Bridalveil Falls. All the falls were spectacular due to all the rain, with icy edges!

Driving north on Route 49, we spent a night at a COE campground on the Hogan Lake Reservoir, then drove through Grass Valley and stopped at the Fairgrounds there. I was starting to feel the "horse heading for the barn" feeling, so I did a bit more driving than usual. Mt. Shasta was beautiful with a full coat of snow. We headed north on I5 through Redding, over the Siskiyous and on to Grants Pass, OR. Went through Salem, then headed over to the coast to Neskowin to connect with Joanne Kilgore. We shared a really good dinner and had a good visit. She's heading toward southern Oregon, so I don't know when we'll get to see each other again. Drove north through Longview, WA and onto I5. I had planned to go to Millersylania State Park, but it was raining hard and difficult to drive, so I holed up at a KOA in Castle Rock. Then it rained even harder all night - glad I found refuge when I did! Saturday I drove north to Bellingham to see Kelley and Casey. I had planned to stay with them all day Sunday and leave Monday morning when they went off to work and school. But a big winter storm was predicted and I didn't want to risk having to drive on icy/snowy roads Monday morning, So I left Sunday afternoon and got back to Lopez just as it was getting dark. I'd been gone 4 1/2 months, so the house was about 50 degrees and the water was turned off. I didn't want to light a fire until I had a chance to clean the chimney, so I cranked up the electric heat - but it took over 24 hours for the house and all its contents to warm up! Got the water turned on - after several trips over to the pump house and under the house by flashlight. It took me a week or so to unpack the RV and get settled in, clean the chimney, go through PILES of mail, etc, etc. Then gradually the trip receded into the background and I resumed my normal, busy life on Lopez. It's good to be home! Now I'm starting to think about next trips!

The last entry I made in my travel diary was this: "I don't want to just fall into old habits. I need to move forward and make sure what I'm doing makes me happy."

Thanks to everyone who has read my travelogues and given me such encouraging feedback. That's what motivates me to keep doing them! Safe travels to everyone!


Above, El Capitan. Below, Yosemite Falls.

Above, North Dome. Below, Yosemite Falls again

Church near Half Dome Village. Below: Half Dome in all its winter glory! I think this is my favorite picture!

Views from the campground. Below, North Dome

Views from the valley

Above, Yosemite Falls from the valley. Below: How far are you willing to go to get a great pic? That water was freezing!

Above and below: several views of Horsetail Falls - planning for the evening

Above and Below: approaching Yosemite Falls

Below: had to stop when the path was covered in snow which was turning into ice. I just had tennis shoes on.

Above and below: views from El Capitan picnic area

The crowd of photographers was building! And there was still an hour or more before sunset!

Above and below: Horsetail Falls before the sun started to set.

Above and Below: It started - and grew more intense.

Above and below: my best photos - it was really amazing!

The 4 photos below were taken by Mike McGreevy - from across the valley - and with an expensive camera. Awesome! I know where I want to be next time!

Next morning: Above: Yosemite Falls - see all the ice around it! Below: Half Dome in the morning light. See my RV waaaaayyyy over on the left?

Above and below: approaching Bridalveil Falls - peek-a-boo views.

Above: El Capitan on the left, Bridalveil Falls on the right

I hiked up as close as I could get - before the path was buried in snow. Below, the creek from the falls.

Above and Below: you can get an idea how cold it was!

Bridalveil Falls from across the valley, and a last view of El Capitan.

Historic town of Columbia, CA - it was a boom town the 1850's.

Mt. Shasta

Black Butte - just north of Mt. Shasta - a perfect cinder cone

Some more Mt. Shasta views:

Below: back in the Northwest - you can tell from all the moss on the trees!

Back Home! - Snowstorm in progress.

Above, 4 1/2 months of mail. Below, trying to get warm!

Sunna on her favorite chair - home at last!


That's All Folks! Stay tuned for next trip!


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