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TRAVELOGUE # 5 - After Death Valley, Pahrump NV - Tecopa Springs CA

Friday November 14, 2016 - Monday November 28, 2016

Published Jan. 8, 2017

Myrna and I left Death Valley on the morning of Nov. 14 heading to join the Escapee Solos in Pahrump, NV. On the way we stopped in Death Valley Junction to see the Amargosa Opera House. Got to go inside and see the painted interior - all created and decorated over many years by one woman, who is now in her 90'S and still an active participant in shows!

Next we stopped at Ash Meadows - a recovering wildlife refuge (a desert oasis saved from development in 1969, became a refuge in 1984). We left Sunna in the RV and drove Myrna's jeep thru the refuge. I walked many trails, and viewed the native pupfish (tiny, inch or so long, only place they exist).

Got to the Preferred RV Park at about dark and got settled for almost 2 weeks there. This was a great RV park - they even had a decent pool for swimming laps, a spa, and a great social scene. Since there were many Solos there, we had happy hour every day outside Lyn Crystal's rig. There was just open desert around the park, so there was a good place to take Sunna so she could run. There was always lots to do. On Sunday Celestse and Gail and I went to a Pow Wow - a gathering of many different tribes from the southwest - they wore native garb and did songs and dances. It was fun to see. Another day we went to the Pahrump museum and had lunch at the Lakeside Casino.

Not sure I mentioned it, but I only joined the Solos group when I got to Death Valley. As soon as they found out that I do websites, they asked me to be their webmaster. I agreed, and in Pahrump I got the credentials and got their web page updated - it hadn't been updated for 2 years! It's just a single page, so not a big deal. Glad to be helpful.

Myrna headed off to the Slabs to spend Thanksgiving with her son. I spent Thanksgiving at the park, and went to the Moose Lodge in Pahrump for dinner. It was a very good buffet. Most of the Solos went, plus lots of local folks. People started leaving Pahrump after Thanksgiving. Had a final swim in the pool, did laundry, and got ready to travel again.

Sunday Gail and Celeste and I headed south back into CA to Shoshone Museum and then went up to some natural caves that people had lived in from the 1920's until the 1970's! Then we went on to Tecopa Hot Springs. Even though it wasn't late, it was getting very windy, so Celeste and I stopped and parked in the County Park. Using the hot springs was included in the camping fee, so I went in after dinner. Felt so good. Too bad it was cold and windy when I went back outside! While at the park I met a woman named Patricia and her dog Sky, an Australian Shepherd. Sunna and Sky were well matched and played and played and played and ran and ran and ran. They jumped into the standing water to cool off (but it was probably warm water!) After Tecopa Springs, Celeste headed toward Yuma and I headed to Red Rock Canyon in Nevada.

This was one of the roads we explored a few days earlier, just outside Death Valley.

The Amazing Amargosa Opera House in Death Valley Junction

It's attached to a hotel, in very SW style.

Marta Becket! She did it ALL herself! And performed regularly. She still does, but no more dancing. Wait til you see the inside.

Every inch inside is painted with colorful murals. The lighting was dim and I didn't want to use much flash.

The lighting fixtures were all made out of old cans!

Amazing work of art! Thanks to Chuck Januska for mentioning it and telling us what a great place it was. Too bad there weren't any live shows going on.

Ten thousand years ago, this was not a desert and Mastodons roamed.

The area is considered a "desert oasis" - where there are natural springs in spite of the otherwise dry climate. It's called Ash Meadows because of the signature ash tree.

There were many lovely touches in metal art throughout the refuge.

There are four species of pup-fish - which evolved from killfish and minnows as conditions became more harsh and alkaline. They're tiny - only an inch or so long. Since the bodies of water are not connected, they have evolved into separate species.

The entire population of Devils Hole Pupfish live here - and you can see they take protection seriously.

The entry point below hides the fact that there is a large underground lake where they live. Total population: 500-600.

There is a reservoir in the middle of the refuge, here a coot cruises by.

This lizard sculpture is huge -I don't think they get that large, really!

The rock formations on the mountain looked like cinder cones, but they're not.

Boardwalk across a dry lake bed to see a stream and springs with more pupfish.

Look closely - they really are there!

That clump of green in the tree is mistletoe - it's a parasitic plant.

This was a big, deep, clear spring. From it, streams ran across the desert.

You could actually see the water bubbling up from the bottom! Hard to see in the photos.

Sunset from the Park - above, looking east, below, looking west, toward a casino.

Pahrump NV is the site of an annual Pow-Wow where tribes from all over the southwest gather and celebrate their culture. There were lots of booths with handmade art and authentic food. And tacos. Lots of kids participated and it was good to see them embracing their heritage.

The young girl above (14 or 15) is the princess of the event this year.

Who are these two Indian maidens? Oh, it's Gail and Celeste!

Nights in the desert were very cold - as you can see from the peaks around us.

Nice museum with lots of displays about life in Pahrump in the past. Great sculpture outside, and some old buildings preserved.

Celeste and Gail.

Next, we went to Shoshone. Dublin Gulch is where the caves were.

I've seen piles of cans like this at many abandoned sites. They just don't break down.

This is valley at Tecopa Springs. Below, Sunna and Sky, her new friend.

The ground water flowing into these ponds was warm...


Next installment - Amazing Red Rock formations in Nevada (and Las Vegas, briefly)


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