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Connie Solarana - Rest In Peace Good Friend

September 2010


Baby's Grave

Children's Graves are over by the bushes - we had to clean it off to see it

Connie's mother's grave

View from Edith's grave - overlooking a slough



Ocean View Cemetery in Astoria, OR


At Fort Stevens State Park - we drove to the most northern tip on the Columbia River side.
The red X marks where we were. It was a long sandy beach.

Virginia carrying box of ashes to the beach at Fort Stevens State Park- on the Columbia River

Three brown pelicans flew over -- it seemed like a good omen!

You could see the white pieces of bone - but they quickly were dispersed by the wave action.

Looking South towards Astoria

Looking North

Good bye, Connie. Our dear friend.

We arrived at Fort Stevens in mid afternoon and came to the beach about 4PM which was high tide. It was Friday afternoon, and there were very few people around.




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